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Power of the presidency

Physical description: 206p.; 24cm;
Author(s): Fisher, James L.;
ISBN: 002910520X;
Subjects: College Presidents-United States ; Universities and Colleges United States - Administration;
Publisher: : Macmillan Publishing Company New York , 1984;
Call number: LB 2341 .F57;
Type: Book
Available At: Faculty of Education -> stacks
Availability: View details
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UNILAG Online Public Access Catalog

Bar code Accession number Status Location Material type
519519 519519
LB 2341 .F57
Available Faculty of Education -> stacks(Currently present in Reserved Book Room (RBR) Education)
Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.) Request this item for check-out
Download MARC Record
008240617 1984
020 $a002910520X
0820 $aLB 2341 .F57
100 $aFisher, James L.$eAuthor
245 $aPower of the presidency
260 $bMacmillan Publishing Company$aNew York$c1984
300 $a206p.;$c24cm
650 $aCollege Presidents-United States
650 $aUniversities and Colleges United States - Administration

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